Happy Thanksgiving Day!
We wish you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving!
Sight & Sound David (55+)
If you are going to Sight & Sound on Friday, September 16, please meet in the parking lot by 9:45 am.
Cowtown Rodeo Youth Event
“Come experience the history, the Americana, the thrills and excitement that is Cowtown Rodeo! Make lifelong memories when you come visit “The Best Show On Dirt” – the ONLY professional weekly rodeo in all of New Jersey! Started back in 1929, Cowtown Rodeo has stood the test of time… remaining true to our traditions of the Old West and bringing each of you a taste of western ranching that is an integral part of American history. We are the longest…
Youth Group Parent Meeting
A brief informational meeting for the parents of the teens in our youth group. This will be a time to ask questions.
Jun 27 – 30, 2022
Monumental VBS 2022
Send your kids on a desert adventure! At Monumental VBS, kids celebrate God’s greatness! Monumental is filled with awesome Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, and touch! Sciency-Fun Gizmos™, team-building games, unforgettable Bible songs, and tasty treats are just a few of the standout activities that help faith flow into real life. (Since everything is hands-on, kids might get a little messy. Be sure to send them in play clothes and sturdy shoes.) Plus, we’ll help kids discover how to see…
Jun 26, 2022
Monumental VBS 2022
Send your kids on a desert adventure! At Monumental VBS, kids celebrate God’s greatness! Monumental is filled with awesome Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, and touch! Sciency-Fun Gizmos™, team-building games, unforgettable Bible songs, and tasty treats are just a few of the standout activities that help faith flow into real life. (Since everything is hands-on, kids might get a little messy. Be sure to send them in play clothes and sturdy shoes.) Plus, we’ll help kids discover how to see…
Jun 25, 2022
Mandatory VBS Volunteer Meeting
This is a mandatory meeting for all Monumental VBS Volunteers.
Young Married Couples
Please join us for Young Married Couples in Fellowship Hall 1. Contact Theresa Suplee if you have additional questions or are interested in being a part of this!
Feb 5, 2022
Youth Group Ice Skating
You’re invited to meet at the Youth Room in the Ministry Center as we go ice skating. RSVP to Dylan Suplee, 856-955-6350.
Jun 28 – Jul 1, 2021
Rocky Railway VBS
This FREE program runs from Sunday, June 27 to Thursday, July 1. Kids 4 years old through leaving 6th grade are invited to attend. Family Night is Sunday, June 27 where our time together begins at 5:00 pm and your entire family can attend and enjoy hot dogs, popcorn, games, and music. From Monday-Thursday, our program will begin at 6:00 pm and ends at 8:30pm.
Jun 27, 2021
Rocky Railway VBS
This FREE program runs from Sunday, June 27 to Thursday, July 1. Kids 4 years old through leaving 6th grade are invited to attend. Family Night is Sunday, June 27 where our time together begins at 5:00 pm and your entire family can attend and enjoy hot dogs, popcorn, games, and music. From Monday-Thursday, our program will begin at 6:00 pm and ends at 8:30pm.
Jun 26, 2021
Mandatory VBS Volunteer Meeting
This is a mandatory VBS volunteer meeting for all VBS helpers and volunteers.
Easter Sunday Service
THIS SERVICE IS FULL (There are still seats available for the 8:30 service.) We welcome you to our in-person and live stream Sunday services. Wash your hands. Wear your facemask. Hand sanitizing stations are available throughout the building. Pews and frequently touched surfaces are sanitized between services. NanoSeptic self-cleaning surfaces are provided on all door handles and frequently touched surfaces. Stay home if you are sick. Maintain a distance of 6 feet between family groups. Guide marks will be on the…
Easter Sunday Service
THIS SERVICE IS FULL (There are stilll seats available for the 8:30 service.) We welcome you to our in-person and live stream Sunday services. Wash your hands. Wear your facemask. Hand sanitizing stations are available throughout the building. Pews and frequently touched surfaces are sanitized between services. NanoSeptic self-cleaning surfaces are provided on all door handles and frequently touched surfaces. Stay home if you are sick. Maintain a distance of 6 feet between family groups. Guide marks will be on the…
Easter Sunday Service
We welcome you to our in-person and live stream Sunday services. Wash your hands. Wear your facemask. Hand sanitizing stations are available throughout the building. Pews and frequently touched surfaces are sanitized between services. NanoSeptic self-cleaning surfaces are provided on all door handles and frequently touched surfaces. Stay home if you are sick. Maintain a distance of 6 feet between family groups. Guide marks will be on the pews. No childcare available yet. Please keep your children with your family. Available…
Good Friday Service
A journey of song through the eyes of Jesus, Peter, Mary, & the Centurion – Performed by Pastor Vince, written by Dallas Holm, followed by Communion.
Feb 4, 2021
Canceled Women’s Bible Study
Canceled due to weather. See you next week.
Easter Sunday Service
Join us at www.Facebook.com/IBCMapleShade at 9am on Easter Sunday morning for our Easter Sunday Service.
Facebook Live Sunrise Scripture
Pastor Vince will be reading live from Luke 24 on Easter Sunday morning at 6:30 am. www.Facebook.com/IBCMapleShade