Sermons by Greg Ginion (Page 2)
Is Anyone Here a Marine Biologist?
Pastor Greg continues his teaching in Jonah 1:17-2:10.
Arise, O Sleeper!
Pastor Greg continues his teaching in the book of Jonah. He asks us: “What are we asleep to?”
You’re Going the Wrong Way!
Pastor Greg teaches from Jonah 1:1-4.
Rerun, Reunite, Restore
Pastor Greg compares his spiritual journey these past several months to the time when Jesus restored Peter which is in John 21:1-21.
Ghosts or Gratitude
Pastor Vince continues his teaching in 1 Samuel 28.
Why Did it Have to be Snakes?
Pastor Greg teaches from Numbers 21:4-9 and John 3:9-15.
Stumbled, Broken or Crushed?
Pastor Greg teaches from Psalm 118 regarding Palm Sunday.
The God Who Hears
Pastor Greg teaches from Psalm 86. This is a prayer of David. It is a desperate, urgent prayer of need. “God not only hears our words, but He also hears our hearts.”
Jehovah Shalom
Pastor Greg teaches on God being our Peace – Jehovah Shalom.
The Way Everlasting
Pastor Greg concludes his teaching of Psalm 139.
Fearfully and Wonderfully Set Apart
Pastor Greg teaches from Psalm 139:13-18.
Where Do We Go Now?
Pastor Greg continues his teaching in Psalm 139.
Thou, Thy, Thee and Me
Pastor Greg Ginion teaches from Psalm 139:1-6.
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