Sermons from May 2021
Be Very Sure
Pastor Vince continues his teaching in Revelation 20 where “we can dream a little and taste by faith that day that is going to come to this Earth when we will fully experience the complete victory of Jesus – His rule, His reign and His kingdom indeed.”
Here He Comes
Pastor Vince continues his teaching in Revelation 19 where we see the conclusion of Jesus’ return. He will be coming to put an end to those who have rejected Him.
“Better Than the Cowboys Losing!”
Pastor Vince continues his teaching in Revelation 19. In these last chapters, as we see where the satanic world is heading, we’d be tempted to say that the book of Revelation is about the world losing. But it’s not. It’s about Jesus winning. There are four praises in this chapter that Pastor Vince focuses on. In conclusion, he asks us if we are bitter about what life has brought us or are we more blessed with what’s ahead?
Bubbles or Beatitudes
Pastor Vince continues his teaching in Revelation and begins by reading from Ecclesiastes 1:1-2. “If you live your life without God, you may live decades. You may accumulate a lot. You may achieve many things, yet what would you have at the end? Nothing. All the efforts, activity, accomplishments, and advancements of the human race apart from God equal to nothing…There’s nothing wrong with things. It’s whether we give God thanks, share with others and give Him glory for the…
When Things Don’t Go Your Way
Deacon Bryan Schroll teaches from 1 Samuel 18.