Sermons from June 2021
Beauty & No Beast
Pastor Vince continues his teaching in Revelation 21 and shares how God desires to give us a true, big picture of not only what’s coming and in store for us in Heaven, but of what He is doing right now in and through His people on Earth.
There’s Angels, Not Elves, and We Will Be Ourselves
Pastor Vince continues his teaching in Revelation 21 and asks the question: “What will life be like with nothing tainted by sin? With none of the vulnerabilities of sin? None of the heartaches of sin? We were created with a capacity to experience life and when we are in heaven, we will experience life the same way we do on Earth – but without sin.” Hallelujah!
Daddy, Do We Get to Live Here?
As Pastor Vince continues in his teaching of Revelation, he shares what his young children excitedly said when they moved into their new home: “Daddy, do we get to live here?” That example of joy and excitement is just a small taste of what we will be feeling in the scene of Revelation 21 where we will be in our heavenly, eternal state. We will be asking our Heavenly Father, “Abba Father, do we get to live here?” Listen in…