Sermons from September 2021
A Story of Givers and Takers
Pastor Vince continues his teaching in 1 Samuel and discusses the two different camera angles that are used in chapter 2 – one of Samuel’s parents and the other of Eli and his sons. When we look at our society, what camera angle are we paying attention to? Are we allowing the camera angle of darkness to shape, distort and discourage us and turn us into takers or are we allowing the camera angle of the light of God to…
See It, and Sing About It!
Pastor Vince continues his teaching in 1 Samuel 2 and shares that the only security we have in life is our relationship with God. He also points out through Hannah’s song in chapter 2 how God works in time, in situations and in people.
Hannah: Jesus Freak
Pastor Vince continues his teaching in 1 Samuel and shares about Hannah and her faith in God. He points out her soft heart, her surrendered heart, her steady heart and her settled heart.
Thou, Thy, Thee and Me
Pastor Greg Ginion teaches from Psalm 139:1-6.