No Turning Back
Pastor Vince continues his teaching in 1 Samuel.
We’re in This Together
Pastor Vince continues his teaching in 1 Samuel 9:25-10:13.
Saul’s Surprise Party
Pastor Vince returns to his teaching in 1 Samuel and shares about the surprise party God had orchestrated for Saul. He then goes on to share how God desires to surprise us in our own lives every day…yet are we looking for it? “God wants to surprise us not just in eternity but today…He has so much for you in your daily lives that He wants to show you…it’s grace wrapped in grace wrapped in more grace. Anticipate today what…
Jehovah Shalom
Pastor Greg teaches on God being our Peace – Jehovah Shalom.
The Way Everlasting
Pastor Greg concludes his teaching of Psalm 139.
Signs of Life
Pastor Vince teaches about the meaning and value of communion and baptism. “Faith creates our own personal identity in Jesus. Baptism celebrates our public identity with Jesus. The Lord’s Supper celebrates our plural identity in Jesus.”
Meet Me in Christmas
Pastor Vince teaches from Psalm 46:10: “Be still and know that I am God.” “I don’t know where you spent Christmas this year, but maybe you did not spend it where you had planned it…Wherever it is that you spent Christmas, even if your plans were changed dramatically, God wanted to meet you there in Christmas. In fact, every day ahead of us, we have the opportunity to enjoy the truth of Christmas – to enjoy God wherever we are.”
Uneven Piles, Undeserved Promises
Pastor Vince teaches from Luke 1 and shares of Mary and Elizabeth and their pregnancy experiences and how we can learn from their responses. “Why are there uneven piles under the trees of our lives which can cause us to say, ‘God is not fair’…yet we need to choose instead to look at the promises, not the piles. Look at what is already under the tree for you.”
Christmas Without a Leash
Pastor Vince teaches a Christmas message from Matthew 1:20-21.
King Me
Pastor Vince continues his teaching in 1 Samuel.
Days of Our Lives
Pastor Vince continues his teaching in 1 Samuel.
A First Samuel Thanksgiving
Pastor Vince continues his study in 1 Samuel 7.
Fearfully and Wonderfully Set Apart
Pastor Greg teaches from Psalm 139:13-18.
It Can Be Invigorating
Pastor Vince continues his teaching in 1 Samuel 6-7.
Raided by the Lost Ark
Pastor Vince continues his teaching in 1 Samuel 5-6. “How will the truth of God impact you? Will you experience God’s safe, gracious love or will you experience His sure, heavy judgment?”
Riders of the Lost Ark
Pastor Vince continues his teaching in 1 Samuel 4.
A Completed Conversation
Pastor Vince continues his teaching in 1 Samuel 3:1-18.
Where Do We Go Now?
Pastor Greg continues his teaching in Psalm 139.
Will It Be Demolished Or You Be Demolished?
Pastor Vince continues his teaching in 1 Samuel. “Everyone who walks this earth will face an eternal demolishing. The question is: will it be our sin being demolished or will it be us?
A Story of Givers and Takers
Pastor Vince continues his teaching in 1 Samuel and discusses the two different camera angles that are used in chapter 2 – one of Samuel’s parents and the other of Eli and his sons. When we look at our society, what camera angle are we paying attention to? Are we allowing the camera angle of darkness to shape, distort and discourage us and turn us into takers or are we allowing the camera angle of the light of God to…