Sermons by Vince McDonald (Page 8)

Sermons by Vince McDonald (Page 8)

There’s No Call After the Curtain

As Pastor Vince concludes his teaching in the book of Revelation, he uses the example of the 1972 Olympic basketball gold medal game upset to remind us that God very graciously and firmly makes clear to us that when we come to the end of our lives, no one will be able to change the rules for us. No one will be able to put time back on the clock for us. God, because He loves us, is honest regarding…

Beauty & No Beast

Pastor Vince continues his teaching in Revelation 21 and shares how God desires to give us a true, big picture of not only what’s coming and in store for us in Heaven, but of what He is doing right now in and through His people on Earth.

There’s Angels, Not Elves, and We Will Be Ourselves

Pastor Vince continues his teaching in Revelation 21 and asks the question: “What will life be like with nothing tainted by sin? With none of the vulnerabilities of sin? None of the heartaches of sin? We were created with a capacity to experience life and when we are in heaven, we will experience life the same way we do on Earth – but without sin.” Hallelujah!

Daddy, Do We Get to Live Here?

As Pastor Vince continues in his teaching of Revelation, he shares what his young children excitedly said when they moved into their new home: “Daddy, do we get to live here?” That example of joy and excitement is just a small taste of what we will be feeling in the scene of Revelation 21 where we will be in our heavenly, eternal state. We will be asking our Heavenly Father, “Abba Father, do we get to live here?” Listen in…

Be Very Sure

Pastor Vince continues his teaching in Revelation 20 where “we can dream a little and taste by faith that day that is going to come to this Earth when we will fully experience the complete victory of Jesus – His rule, His reign and His kingdom indeed.”

Here He Comes

Pastor Vince continues his teaching in Revelation 19 where we see the conclusion of Jesus’ return. He will be coming to put an end to those who have rejected Him.

“Better Than the Cowboys Losing!”

Pastor Vince continues his teaching in Revelation 19. In these last chapters, as we see where the satanic world is heading, we’d be tempted to say that the book of Revelation is about the world losing. But it’s not. It’s about Jesus winning. There are four praises in this chapter that Pastor Vince focuses on. In conclusion, he asks us if we are bitter about what life has brought us or are we more blessed with what’s ahead?

Bubbles or Beatitudes

Pastor Vince continues his teaching in Revelation and begins by reading from Ecclesiastes 1:1-2. “If you live your life without God, you may live decades. You may accumulate a lot. You may achieve many things, yet what would you have at the end? Nothing. All the efforts, activity, accomplishments, and advancements of the human race apart from God equal to nothing…There’s nothing wrong with things. It’s whether we give God thanks, share with others and give Him glory for the…

The Destination is Determined

As Pastor Vince continues his teaching in Revelation, he begins with an example of when he drives to historic Philadelphia, he knows that when he takes the same road pattern, he will reach the same destination. In these next few chapters of Revelation, we see the infrastructure of the final world system that is against God and we read of its’ demise. “Satan is alive, he is active, and he is effective of stirring a world system that wants to…

Worship, Woe and We

Pastor Vince continues teaching in Revelation 16 where the focus is on the closing scenes of the book. God’s judgment is being poured out without interruption. The people left on Earth are those who have chosen to live apart from God. “When we choose sin, we are choosing the destruction that sin brings.”

April 11, 2021 “Worshiptometry”

Pastor Vince continues his teaching in Revelation 15 and shares how worship is meant to capture our attention and set the scene for every moment in life. Worship leads us to deeper truth about God. “When we see God for Who He is, we are ready to see every unfolding scene in life…What is in front of you this week? Something alarming? Something amazing? I don’t know, but I do know this. For us to gather and say, “Boldly we…

Is Your Song a “Hope So” or a “Know So”?

Pastor Vince continues his teaching in Revelation 15 but also speaks of Palm Sunday as he makes a side by side comparison between the two crowds. He also points out a contrast between them. “Pray for the Holy Spirit to increase your faith to move from a ‘hope so’ faith to a ‘know so’ faith.”

“The Song That Changes the Scene”

Pastor Vince continues his teaching in Revelation 14 and shares how this chapter is similar to a spring weather tease in the midst of a harsh winter. “There is a song that Christians can sing that can change the scene. We have the ability to change the scene from panic to praise; from discouragement to encouragement; from fear to peace…What can change any scene? The power of the song of the gospel…If we focus on Jesus’ truth that He has…

There is Treasure in the Trial

Pastor Vince continues his teaching in Revelation 13 by starting out in Matthew 13 and reminds us that what we have in the kingdom of God is so much greater than the treasures this Earth offers. “What is it that my heart is seeking above all else as I journey the fields of this world? There is a temptation when one studies the book of Revelation to get all wrapped up as if the most important thing is to figure…