Sermons by Vince McDonald (Page 3)
Christmas Eve Morning Sunday Service
Christmas Eve Morning Sunday Service
Keep Looking for Christmas
Pastor Vince teaches from Matthew 2.
Good Grief
Pastor Vince continues his teaching in 2 Samuel 1:17-27.
David knew “Who’s-ville” he lived in
Pastor Vince starts a new series in the book of 2 Samuel. His points are: the treatment of David – the time for David – the testimony of David. “We don’t have to be held in bondage to how we have been treated. If we let God’s treatment of us set us free from other people’s treatment of us, we can live like David.”
The Gift or the Giver
Pastor Vince teaches from Luke 17:1-19. “When a gift is placed in my hands, am I consumed with the gift or does it point me to the Giver? Lord, let me be like the one who recognizes the Giver and not just the gift.”
What Does My Counting Add Up To?
Pastor Vince teaches from Nehemiah 12:27-47. “If people counted up everything they heard come from my mouth, what would they say? What would my words add up to?”
Nehemiah is no Stan, Roy or Gus
Pastor Vince teaches from Nehemiah 4.
Sermon in Song
Pastor Vince shares a sermon in song.
When Your Sermon Determines What’s For Lunch?
Pastor Vince teaches from Nehemiah 1.
You’ve Come a Long Way Baby
Pastor Vince concludes his teaching on God’s Amazing Creation. Psalm 139:13-16
And There Was Light
Pastor Vince continues his teaching in God’s Amazing Creation by focusing on the miracle of light. Genesis 1:1-5
Quark, the Herald Atom Sings
Pastor Vince continues his teaching of God’s Amazing Creation by focusing on His design of gravity – of holding all things together. Does the truth of God holding everything in His hands filter down into our own personal lives? Do we find peace and trust in His plan?
Taste, and Be Tasty!
Pastor Vince continues to teach through his series of God’s Amazing Creation. His Scripture reference is Matthew 5:13. One thought provoking question he asks after highlighting the amazing sense of taste that God has designed our bodies with is this: “What does my life taste like?” Listen in to hear more.
What a Memory!
Pastor Vince continues his teaching series of “God’s Amazing Creation” and he focuses on our brain and the incredible gift of memory. “God has give you memory to remember your relationship with Him and His faithfulness to you.”
Who’s Hungry
Pastor Vince continues his teaching on God’s Amazing Creation. His text is John 6:1-35.
Seeing Beneath the Surface
Pastor Vince continues his teaching of the wonderful world of God’s creation and uses Genesis 1:20-23 for his text.
Seasons with the Son
Pastor Vince continues his teaching on the magnificence of God’s creation. “If you are not awake to the glory of God and to His plan of salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ, then you are not awake to life.”
Worship From the Tip of My Finger
Pastor Vince continues his teaching on God’s magnificent creation by teaching on the power of touch.
Behold and Be Held
Pastor Vince begins a study on God’s magnificent creation and asks the following questions: “How does creation move you? What does it move you towards? To WHOM does it move you towards?” He uses Isaiah 40:28-31 as his Scripture foundation for this week’s teaching. When you focus on God’s creation, take time to discover, take time to be moved by what you see and take time to be loved by God. “As you are beholding it all, you can know…
Time To Say More Than Goodbye
Pastor Vince concludes his teaching on 1 Thessalonians with Paul’s closing words and prayer for the church in Thessalonica. “When you hear Paul’s goodbye, you may also hear God’s hello.” Pastor Vince speaks of God’s work being calming, complete and current.