Sermon Archive (Page 5)

Sermon Archive (Page 5)

Behold and Be Held

Pastor Vince begins a study on God’s magnificent creation and asks the following questions: “How does creation move you? What does it move you towards? To WHOM does it move you towards?” He uses Isaiah 40:28-31 as his Scripture foundation for this week’s teaching. When you focus on God’s creation, take time to discover, take time to be moved by what you see and take time to be loved by God. “As you are beholding it all, you can know…

Time To Say More Than Goodbye

Pastor Vince concludes his teaching on 1 Thessalonians with Paul’s closing words and prayer for the church in Thessalonica. “When you hear Paul’s goodbye, you may also hear God’s hello.” Pastor Vince speaks of God’s work being calming, complete and current.

God Would Like to Use Your Current Location. Allow?

This Father’s Day, Pastor Vince takes a break from his teaching in 1 Thessalonians to teach on Nehemiah 3:28-29. He asks three questions: “Where are you located in life? Who do you love at your wall? What are you looking for?” It is an encouraging message to remind us that God has us right where He wants to use us. Are we allowing Him to work in and through us to accomplish His purpose?